The Rise of the Gods
The Rise of the Gods
Books I-V
By Jake Yaniak
Copyright 2015 Jake Yaniak
All Rights Reserved
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, events, and locations are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual events or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.
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Dedicated to my beloved wife Sarah for her unfailing love and companionship, my parents for instilling in me a love for the fantastic, and to my brother and sisters, for their constant support, friendship and conversation.
Table of Contents
Book I: The Sons of Parganas
Chapter I: The Very Beginning
Chapter II: Of Mankind
Chapter III: Concerning the Elves
Chapter IV: The Brothers
Chapter V: The Rise of Ilvas
Chapter VI: The Steelsmith
Chapter VII: The Princess and the Plan
Chapter VIII: Choices Already Made
Chapter IX: The Longer Road
Book II: Dalia The Mariner
Chapter I: The Daughter of Ele
Chapter II: Parting at Inklas
Chapter III: Against Lapulia
Chapter IV: The Burning of Dominas
Chapter V: Peril at Sea
Chapter VI: The Dark Order
Chapter VII: Dalele Marinea
Chapter VIII: The Thunder Snake
Chapter IX: Reunion
Book III: Dark Kharku
Chapter I: The Father
Chapter II: The Journey Begins
Chapter III: The Scars of the Earth
Chapter IV: The Gargantan
Chapter V: Scattered
Chapter VI: Beast and Iron
Chapter VII: The Skatos of Ereg
Chapter VIII: The Kingdom of Seasons
Chapter IX: The Beast
Chapter X: The Dark Order
Book IV: The Hidden Wisdom
Chapter I: Candor Proud
Chapter II: The Vanishing of Futures
Chapter III: The Prisoner
Chapter IV: The War of Peace
Chapter V: A Darkness
Chapter VI: Discourses
Chapter VII: Loyal Friend
Chapter VIII: The Fire Bird
Chapter IX: The Trial of Theodysus
Book V: Noro The Hero
Chapter I: Not for Happiness
Chapter II: The Broken Peace
Chapter III: The Marriage
Chapter IV: The Sword and the Spear
Chapter V: Seasons of Loneliness
Chapter VI: The Blest of Anatheda
Chapter VII: Noro the Hero
Chapter VIII: The Kingdom to Be
Chapter IX: The Vanishing of the Elves
Chapter X: Fate
Chapter XI: The Hospitality of the Blest
Chapter XII: The Nihlion
There are none who know so well the value of history as do the elves, who, were it not for the might and valor of our own City, would have plunged the whole world under tyranny eternal. It was the strength of our City alone that held them back when in the beginning of this age they sought to take the whole of Tel Arie for their own, and it was the daring and cunning of our warriors that broke their power in Olgrost, Ilmaria and finally in Weldera. One kingdom still remains under their power, and we have every reason to believe that it will, in short order, fall as well.
But there are a few among our more learned citizens who have taken thought to the survival of our own City. For the ancient prophets spoke clearly concerning the breaking of the Magic Tower, and the coming of certain omens has revived the ancient fear that one day this mighty City would, like all other dominions, come to an end.
Those who think that such thoughts are overly dark ought to take heed and think of what befell the once mighty Vestron Kingdom, and then later the Marin Quendom that replaced it. Look at Dadron's fall also if you cannot by other means convince yourself that no City is immortal, whether it is the abode of elves or of men.
In this work I mean to recount certain events and doings that have great relevance to our own City's security and future. Some of these things have generally been swept aside by our historians, who always have their eyes on the mighty, and who therefore often miss the very small. Surely, the small affects the large just as the large affects the small, and no account can truly be considered Truth if it does not pay attention to every detail.
Read on, and learn why, though peril certainly will come to Lapulia, there is perhaps yet reason to hope.
Book I:
The Sons of Parganas